View Full Version : smart idea!Jig/popper rigging

01-10-2006, 21:13
From our suhu JonLi, extracted from other website:

Mine wud be :

PE line to mono leader : MidKnot .

Mono leader with Solid ring n then Splitring to Eyelet of the lure facilitate easy changing of lure .

Double the distance between the spool to the rod tip is the minimum length of the mono leader .

If I need to use a short fluorocarbon bite leader , it will be crimped on both ends , split ring to the eyelet of the lure and tied the mono leader directly
to the fluorocarbon leader . I use this when using stickbait and I tend to choose small diameter mono leader which will enhance casting distance .

JonLi .

Coba ahhhh....

01-10-2006, 21:25
If I need to use a short fluorocarbon bite leader , it will be crimped on both ends , split ring to the eyelet of the lure and tied the mono leader directly
to the fluorocarbon leader . I use this when using stickbait and I tend to choose small diameter mono leader which will enhance casting distance .

I prefer to use Albright knot instead of crimped on bite leader to mono leader then use uni-knot from bite leader to swivel..... The reason is quite simple, I don't like to carry heavy crimping plier, by doing that I can add more poppers in my armoury.... :D

Please note that bite leader is ussually applied in popping not in jigging. If it used in jigging, I believe the strike rate wud be decrease significantly.....

01-10-2006, 22:06
Nah itu yang ane masih ga ngerti, bite leader apaan sih hehehe

Saya sih cuma ambil hikmah ke jig aja, pake solidring/splitring connection, itu aja. Untuk bite leader and stick bait etc ga ngerti hehehe

Lod blom tidur??? wah kalong juga lu! hahaha

01-10-2006, 22:26
Lod blom tidur??? wah kalong juga lu! hahaha

Wah....., semakin malam malah semakin 'hot'.....hahahahaha :-D

Bite leader tuh untuk 'toothie creature' atau agar lebih tahan terhadap gesekan coral apabila GT-nya masuk liang.....
Biasanya hanya untuk popping panjangnya sekitar 30-50cm aja dan disambungkan ke mono leadernya. Kalau mono leadernya pakai 100-150lbs, bite leader-nya bisa pakai 300-400lbs.

Di Melbourne udah jam berapa nih.....belon tidur juga ? :-D

01-10-2006, 22:39
Lod ,

Bite leader nya " pre-made " , hanya sekitar 2 jengkal max. koq. , kalau tidak dipakai yah simpan saja , yes 250 lbs. fluorocarbon hard leader krn yang soft leader version tidak ada yang high poundage , kalau ada pasti sudah saya
pakai yang soft , maka itu harus di crimp , engga bisa dgn knot .

Jon .

02-10-2006, 00:17
Hello guys,

This is very interesting....any pictures showing how to connect the "bite-leader" with mono?Kindly show it to me.
I got this unforgetable moment when a big freaking GT snap the line into the rocks....and it shouted at me, "Looseeeeeeeerrrr!!!"


02-10-2006, 01:39
Hello guys,

This is very interesting....any pictures showing how to connect the "bite-leader" with mono?Kindly show it to me.
I got this unforgetable moment when a big freaking GT snap the line into the rocks....and it shouted at me, "Looseeeeeeeerrrr!!!"

wakakakkakkk.....leki..kayanya cocok ni klo dipindahin ke fishylaugh...he...he..he....no heart feeling man
pa kabar ...mana report you punya...koq jarang ditongolin bro...


02-10-2006, 11:41
Wah....., semakin malam malah semakin 'hot'.....hahahahaha :-D

Bite leader tuh untuk 'toothie creature' atau agar lebih tahan terhadap gesekan coral apabila GT-nya masuk liang.....
Biasanya hanya untuk popping panjangnya sekitar 30-50cm aja dan disambungkan ke mono leadernya. Kalau mono leadernya pakai 100-150lbs, bite leader-nya bisa pakai 300-400lbs.

Di Melbourne udah jam berapa nih.....belon tidur juga ? :-D

LOd kemaren jam 1, ga bisa tidur hehehe.

Thanks buat pencerahannya anyway, sambo ga ada gigi kan?

02-10-2006, 12:49
begini yaa...........
ini model butterfly jig

02-10-2006, 20:42
Yup begitu, cuma katanya kalo bisa coba 1 assist hook dulu, soalnya kalo mau cnr, 2 hook bisa bikin ikan mati. (nyangkut di mata, insang etc)

03-10-2006, 22:29
wakakakkakkk.....leki..kayanya cocok ni klo dipindahin ke fishylaugh...he...he..he....no heart feeling man
pa kabar ...mana report you punya...koq jarang ditongolin bro...


Hello Ron...udah ga mau balik nih critanya?hehehehehe
Sorry report ga biasa bikin hehehehehe...kpn plg?nanti gw ajak deh ke tempat dimana GT mau makan dr spinner ampe rapala heheehehe...


13-10-2006, 02:09
Hello Ron...udah ga mau balik nih critanya?hehehehehe
Sorry report ga biasa bikin hehehehehe...kpn plg?nanti gw ajak deh ke tempat dimana GT mau makan dr spinner ampe rapala heheehehe...

wah, sorry telat bro, ngga mudeng gw
you musti biasain report dunk + foto2nya, biar tambah seru niy forum
dimana tuh lek, gt yg pada kelaparan..seep dech nanti klo balik
gw kasih kabar! gimana jadi mo lure frog??
nanti gw beliin dech 1 biji doank siy...ha..ha..ha.ha
gw dah order popper buat Rudy blum ada balesan mulu niy, lama banget.
terakhir gw dapet kabar dari yg jual popper disini, doi baru keluar dari Rumah Sakit!! kebanyakan bikin popper kalee yee...?
see you man